Kailash kher - Saiyyan Lyrics
7/26/2011 12:26:00 PMWhy away?
11/25/2010 01:25:00 AMI have now felt that here is a place where I should post in a limited manner but some useful quality web content.
As for the updates one wishes to share with his network only, there's fb and twitter, my next post after this silence-breaker would be meaningful and something unique and useful for the www!
बिट्स पिलानी - पंचवर्षीय योजना - 2005-2010
4/18/2010 09:25:00 PMये क्या है ? अगर याद न आया हो तो ये 5 year plans है, भारत सरकार के शायद दस सम्र्पूर्ण हो गए हैं हमारा तो एक ही है, पूरा होगा या नहीं, ये एक व्यक्ति विशेष के हाथों में है ( हमारे thesis गाइड भई! )
अच्छा ये बताइए नृत्य सिखा है कभी आपने ? हमने अपनी पंचवर्षीय योजना के अजेंडे में ये शामिल किया है हाल फ़िलहाल में ( डांस वर्कशॉप) ... तैराकी आती है आपको ? मुझे भी नहीं आती थी ! पंचवर्षीय योजना के अंतर्गत हमने ये ठाना कि सीख कर रहेंगे, सो हमने पांच साल और 9 सेमेस्टर में कुल 15 बार स्विमिंग क्लब के दर्शन किये .... अब शायद थोड़ी सी आ गयी है :)
हम्बी दम्बी जैसे नाम की एक संस्था ने हम जैसे मुर्ख की रोजी रोटी कि व्यवस्था करने की बरी कृपालु भूल भी कर दी है, आशा बस इतनी कि जिन मित्रो की अभी तक नहीं लगी है, उनकी भी लग जाए ....
क्या नहीं मिला ? पंचवर्षीय योजना में हमें बस एक प्रेयसी नहीं मिली (:O) अजी छोरिए, कौन सी आपको मिली ... 90 "सुंदरियां" (:प) और 900 "जिह्वालोलुपत्य नवयुवक" भी भला कोई न्याय है !
ये तो था हमारी योजना का सारांश, जो कि अपने समाप्त पर होगी .............कुछ देखा है इस जगह, उस पर दो तुक शब्द.....
क्या अच्छा लगा ?
छात्र! बिट्स पिलानी में किसी रिसर्वेशन का ना होना, और अन्य परीक्षाओं कि तुलना में bitsat का काफी पारदर्शी होना यहाँ अच्छे छात्र लाने में सफल है ! (जय हो !) ..... और कहें तो पिलानी में छात्रों को सभी प्रकार के हुनर प्रस्तुत करने के मंच मिलते हैं, मंच कौन सा चुनना है, ये आपके ऊपर निर्भर करता है :)
आप जो करने आते हैं, वो शायद ना करें, और चाहें तो कुछ भी ना करें !
हमारे 3 फेस्ट हैं (कृपया इन्हें प्राथमिकता के क्रम में पढ़ें) :- ओअसिस, अपोजी, बासम! .... ये क्रम इनकी लोकप्रियता का ही नहीं, बल्कि ये भी दर्शाता है कि पिलानी में पहले मौज मस्ती, फिर थोड़ी पढाई, और स्पोर्ट्स काफी हद तक, सिर्फ कुछ लोगो में सीमित होती हैं
एक alum सुनीत रिखी एक बार मेरे रूम (जो कि 25 वर्षो पूर्व उनका था) आये थे उनकी एक बात अबतक याद है :- रेगिस्तान में रहने वालो का जीवन अलग ही होता है, सच है वाकई ! हमारे अलुम्नी शायद इसी जीवन को याद कर, पिलानी से काफी जुड़े हुए हैं, एक काफी अच्छा पहलु है ये हमारे विश्वविधालय का ( बिट्स को कॉलेज न बुलाएं, UGC हमें university का दर्जा देती है :), एक इंटरव्यू के दौरान पूर्व डीन नट्टू ने मुझे ये सीख दी थी ) हमारी पढाई ! - 4 सालो में दो डिग्री के विषयों को समाप्त कर देना, 2 वर्ष तक सामान्य course और 1 वर्ष में इंजिनियर :), थोड़ी बहुत भाषा-वादिता, थोड़ी बहुत अनुशाशन में लचरता (जो कि हम सभी को काफी रास आती है ), पर सब कुछ, अन्य कितने ही गौरवशाली शिक्षण संस्थानों से कहीं बेहतर !
कुछ दिनों पहले मुझे एक पूर्व ME छात्र का mail आया कि उन्होंने IISC बेंगलुरु में IEEE पेपर पब्लिश किया है जो शायद वो यहाँ नहीं कर पाते, और बिट्स के शिक्षक और छात्र सिर्फ अपने को बिट्स पिलानी का बुलाने में गौरवान्वित महसूस करते हैं रिसर्च की इसी समस्या को अब काफी गहन तरीके से देखा जा रहा है, वर्त्तमान में हुए बदलाव इसके साक्षी हैं, और रिसर्च होती तो हैं ही, थोड़े और प्रयास की जरुरत!
चलिए अभी पंचवर्षीय योजना पर वापस ! रूम नंबर 2207 में आपने कभी क्लासें लगायी है ? देखिये अगर आपने ध्यान से देखा हो तो इस रूम में blackboard थोड़ा नया सा लगेगा :) ओअसिस 2005 में गलती से किये गए करामाती प्रदर्शन ने डॉ सुन्दर से एक मीठी मुलाकात करवा दी थी (:P) और मेरे प्यारे मित्रों, हालाँकि मुझे Chem-2 बिलकुल रस नहीं आती थी पर, मैंने फोरम पर कुछ नहीं किया, कोई और ही जिम्मेवार.... लेक्चर में सोना मुझे बड़ा पसंद रहा, पता नहीं आपमें से कितनो को अपने रूम से अच्छी नींद 5102/5 में आती है ? पर पहली बेंच पर सोना सबके बस की ?
इस पंचवर्षीय योजना में विंग!, मौर्य विहार, हिंदी प्रेस, अपोजी 2007 , वाणी - 2008 , मैनेजमेंट assoc, H R क्लब, ऍम बी ए प्लेसमेंट, सभी का आनंद उठाया, योगदान करने की कोशिश की क्या लेकर जा रहा हूँ ? दो - तीन crushes :P , कुछ सम्माननीय शिक्षक-गण, कुछ आदरणीय सिनिअर्स, कुछ बहुमूल्य मित्र, काफी सारे प्यारे जुनिअर्स, और ......... अनगिनत अविस्मरनीय यादें !
पंचवर्षीय योजना संख्या 2005HS49488P
1/27/2010 07:33:00 PMfour days!!
US Pizza - Raj's Snooker Day
11/09/2009 09:34:00 AMWe Finally went to HSR layout franchise which apparently had one lone guy as a staff... We ordered and finally asked that guy to cancel it, for which he seemed pretty happy as well ...
We moved to Marthahalli's outlet and this at least had more guys... the salads were fun..quite good pastas and makaroni salads .... but pizzas..we guys finally realized weren't for us.. after three four slices we all gave up..gorging on the garlic bread instead was me..
I just realized that we were close to a friend's place so went over to meet him...the cricket match between India and Aussies was almost looking finished so we decided to play pool for sometime, It was hard to have a game with three guys, me, tarang and Raj, but we trid innovative ways of doing that...But then we had this "pro" emerging out of no where... Never having player pool bfore, this guy was like making shots of a lifetime and the lovely ones, the lucky ones...all were raining..Tarang obviously a mastro was having his own time, but the god was this chap "nirupam" again... the rule of "black and white" was invented wherin he got only white and black balls to these 6 damn holes...but mind it the black was no longer a black once other balls were done...so had such a wonderfully bad time at this game...don't know if towards the end some magic or some great counselling whatever be it.. tarang asked me to hit at certain angles and I did get some of the really odd ones.. The only sad thing that weekend's over... Sadder is the fact that I dont expect any weekend coming over after this mostly....But its a beautiful world anyhow isn't it .... ..
btw just stuck a blog which has a couple of movies one should watch, esp. if he likes one of them. I 've CTRL C-V'd a note from the author's blog, Hope the author doesn't mind - for a reason that he's a bitsian, and yeah an Income Tax Commissioner as well
".... seen some of the best movies I have seen ever... It started with The Virgin Spring (Sweden/Bergman/1960), Mongol (Mongolia/Bordov/2007), The Counterfeiters(Germany/Ruzowitzky/2007), Pan's Labyrinth (Mexico/Toro/2006) and stands with The Downfall(Germany/Hirschbiegel/2004) that we watched last night. It is difficult to single out the best one out of these...however if compelled I would go for Mongol...er...also The Downfall. Mongol traces the life of the most famous person from Mongolia - Ghengis Khan. "
10/25/2009 08:18:00 AMVijay Mallya made sure to send in some of his girls to walk around, pose on one of his sponsored F-1 car, but then the place had a couple of nice chics! Other Frnds did join in the evening and we basically were looking to KK's performance which as expected was kool as he is a guy with the popular Indian songs and you could again dance to the words..
Had a good time back as well! Wouldn't really reveal more on that....
Hope to have not missed this year's oasis (our university's cultural festival) especially the rocktaves, but was quite a Mini Oasis this fest! Oasis would start shortly, Hope it rocks as the rebellion against mediocrity gets live and going...yet again!
Investment Banking and happening world!
10/25/2009 08:03:00 AMIts like you just listen to an earnings release webcast and realize that yes! there could be something happening for this company in a short time-span - sure a matter worth being discussed and the next moment you are up there analyzing it, sneeking into what several broker analysis and your analysis culminates to... and present something up to the big guys for discussion..!
Looks great..
The flow of snow
10/12/2009 09:04:00 PMYesterday was a Sunday!, ehh what a way to start,.......but really was one hell of a sunday guys! legends of rock rocks again and has some good company. Moved around, chatted, gud time yesterday...
I came across some CNBC TV 18's business books on ETF's (Exchange traded funds - ones alike the mutual funds and tradable like stocks on exchange), Indian Commodity markets,.. and read a "beautiful" line on investing ... it went like ..
Market investments were like driving a car blindfolded being guided by a passenger looking off the back window, Now that's really the line according to me and hardly demands explanation
Also saw the Chetan bhagat's book on his new Indian marriage thing, no idea how it is, need to grab time before the copy per se :), It's good to give yourselves time for thought...had plenty of that as well..
There's this thing with the remaining days at HSBC, how to be using it for the maximum learning, and on the flipside, is, the question of how to be using it to enjoy... lets see... striking a balance huh!
Btw, before the sunday was this awe"full" saturday with night being spoiled by the really "cheap" shit of a movie called Do Knot Disturb which we 4 of us together tried to enjoy best as we could and bettered our times by dining at Hyderabad house, trying to break into the seemingly akin to hardened rubber stuff, apart from other good food; the manager was kind enough to be not charging for serving us that rubber.
All the time of fun and hanging out, Hope keeps on flowing the way same!
The title of the blog "" is nothing but a secret code heh and really! it is
Btw yeah talked of Chetan Bhagat, gotta tell you that Chetan Bhagat's "the best one" 5 point someone i now almost a movie and is called 3 idiots... but guess what the nationwide music launch of 3 idiots is scheduled to be organized with grandeur at the place where the journey begins "BITS Pilani".... but how sad it is, that I wouldn;t be making it there to Oasis 2009, where you'll witness this and so much more!
All the best with Oasis guys! rock it yet again!
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9/26/2009 03:51:00 AMSymbiosis Distance learning Management Degrees
6/09/2009 06:23:00 PMJust now went through the courses in PGDBA (Marketing) distance learning market conducted by Symbiosis center for distance learning (SCDL). The course content was quite apt for a distance learning MBA (PGDBA degrees are almost equiv to MBA). It went like this
1st semester
1.Management Accounting
2.Business Law
3.Managerial Economics
4.Organizational Behavior
5.Principles of Management
6.Business Communication
2nd semester
Financial Management
Production/operation Mgmt – I & II
Marketing Management
Human Resource Management
Management Information Systems
Strategic Management
3rd semester & 4th semester: Marketing specialisation courses
For sure, SCDL is quite a profit center for Symbiosis but they quite lack the degree of persuasiveness to commit the students to undergo coursework. They allow 4 years after enrollment to the candidate to finish these courses. The degrees would then be awarded but placement opportunities are quite meagre based on this degree alone. It better be used to add value to your current position. The programmes of SCDL use web and media as learning tools though in the indian way(web 2.0 still takes a hit back owing to indian bandwidths).
Now, I do find this course well poised but then whats needed is a comparative study of institutes offering distance learning programmes for any MBA aspirirng working guy, coz getting entrance to a distance learning programme, stands pretty easier than full time, so why not from a bigger brand.
Work Integrated programmes where your company has tie ups with institutes and normally sponsors your higher education are quite a good option and you should make full use of them. they normally have a more regular curriculum than individual distance learning programmes.
GRANDing The END:::....The last-compre-Khetri-A-night-to-remember
5/12/2009 10:09:00 PM
4:45 pm, Room No 3215: Someone closes the answer book as he seems to be done with it, but the decision was that we'll stay back till time for the last one so he stays back, looks around, especially back left () and leaves the room only after the bell strikes 6 pm for the end.
Plans: Trip to Khetri, sipping colored fluids and a 'nightful of frendship'
The Pilani 'madhu' shalas close at 8 sharp, hence sensible people like shivam, sid and the wiki leave at 7:30 sharp after taking respective madhu orders of the more lax ones.
The others now leave and find a suitable Mahindra's Giant at the Pilani bus-stand for carrying a full cricket team's headcount.
all meet at Bunty Da Punjabi Dhaba barring CKP violating the dogma of dining with the same sex at Cnot. great food at PD was taken in morsels, too atomic, as people wanted to live the night later.
Journey: 2 fellows with shaken hearts and a highly absorbing capacitated creature tried to tetrapack the front row (the thin driver being the fourth) 3 fellows sat at the back with a loaded cylinder of gas, threatning intermittent leakages and possible explosions. the middle row packed with 4 of their own kind
the reaching & hunt for a suitable place: while climbing uphill to khetri fort took something out, finding thornful blockage in rani's opening at the fort caused distress as well, it all ended up by the discovery of raja's large and open thing (here meant are roofs of rani's mahal & raja's mahal at gopalgarh fort, khetri)
The wind now blowed; It did boost up spirits and the B tender got to his work instantly. People opened up and tried WINDing their small fellows down.
what was awesome was not the place or the different types of fluids, but the wave in the ambience which somehow made everyone talk.
the morning was so resplendent and the chilling wind so pure,
To their BITsian life, they in Sid's feelings, bowed and owed!
And that's the way these guys started the end! together, they took back with them, a night to remember.
8th August 2005
5/08/2009 03:26:00 AMAm awake, tommorow is a Operations Management Compre, that's hardly any reason to it; have been sleeping since past 2 days (30/48 hrs) but tonight after coming back from ANC, Saayan and I tried studying and saayan slept on my bed, that's a better reasoning why a bedless me is awake.
As I have just come back to my room AK 111, from a short stroll outside on the road from Insti Main gate to ANC, I write this at 2:59 AM on 8th May 2009, Three years and 9 months since when I first walked through that road on 8th August 2005 alone, ya alone… for most of the students would come along with people around them to join their university for the first time, wasn't thatway for me, but I did get some good company from the bus to pilani from delhi, who eventually turned out to be my sidey and roommate. 8th August, because I was a late Registration candidate (Late Re's) floated off from BITS Goa's degree to MMS at pilani, now extinct as we walk out as the last batch.
This 8th of the month shall probably never come back again at pilani for me, certainly not 8th august; precisely 1370 is a number myriad enough, it's the number of days that have passed since, the boy with 2 small baggages on a rickshaw came in looking for Vyas Bhawan, supposed to be his reporting destination, turning out to be his abode for an year as well. Thirteen Hundred and seventy days after the day, he had a chance to walk alone again on the same road, he went till ANC and traversed the road back again, trying to feel something, he did, recollect a few memoirs of those 1370 days. Lovely they were, certainly, the best ones he got, & sweet she was, and so he wrote this post.
Adios dear road, adieu dear 8th August, & stay back with me, dear…."my memories of these thirteen hundred and seventy days"
GULAL- What a .....
3/31/2009 11:00:00 PMI am confused, but I Dont wish you to confuse with the title of post, for me this mostly sucks, I kept on trying to understand what were they trying to show in the movie form the beginning, 2 hours and 21 minutes of useless cinema s enough to put you to thrashing it like any thing , and that's what I am doing. The movie tries to show a war by the Rajputanas against the Government perhaps, but runs more like a stupid thriller to woo some of the pathetic Indian crowd (I bet, It must have failed in its those intentions too). Trying to show some love and fight masala coupled with nonsense blended in Rajasthani cultural taste and screwing up everything is what Gulal has succeeded in!
Jaipur-Amer-Jaigarh-Pink pearl- CHOKHI DHAANI!
3/31/2009 12:04:00 AMFun packed day from sight seeing to the largest canon to forts and palaces to Water Park to a great Rajasthani retreat. The Amer Fort was great and Jaigarh fine. Food near raj Mandir definitely awesome and then to kool up your body great rides at water park all around Jaipur and then off to Chokhi Dhaani resort which was some real fun again. Great food and shows. In short awesome trip to in and around Jaipur; wonder if ever again, a day alone would be so wonderful!!!
Sure they call rajasthan a good tourist attraction and should be fun to explore more in future, if time permits. If you happen to drop by jaipur during evening, do visit Chokhi Dhaani on Kota highway; opens at 6 and up to 12. Amer fort is also close by and Jaigarh and Nahargarh fort are closeby, but on some opposite highway outside jaipur, better to have some personal transport, we had a cab and so it was fine.
3/30/2009 10:52:00 PMPast week has been certainly happening and it yet again confirms my belief that travelling is so much of learning; was there at ISB for B plan presentation and had a real hand's on tryst with the busy life that business could offer, Gave a presentation just after a Bus and Flight ride; went kinda well but a bit of disappointment for not being selected. And back to pilani, a good chance to hear, learn and network at TechBazar and listen to eminent speakers like Michael cremo, John C Mather and Jimmie Wales (frankly, din't find so interesting stuff in any of these lectures, but went to listen mostly for their big names. SP Kothari was better to listen to, perhaps because he talked about the global financial crisis and most of which was already familiar stuff and you could catch things but for more obvious reasons, it was something that I took my interest in as well. Like everyone else, he had his own forecasts and I could have mine, for when we are going to get over this one. I would however choose not to predict anything but better just reaffirm that it's a big one. Mithali rocked and MIMERS ruled, but Jai Ho went to Music Club. I can go on writing but I still believe what shailesh wrote in his editorial for the last Newsletter of Hindi press club for Apogee 2k9 went just right in his words, The SU should certainly be praised for all of it. Do read Shailesh's Editorial from Issue 5 Apogee Hindi Press here